Would you like to sponsor a 2024-2025 grant?

Our educators have had to find ways to educate our youth in the most unconventional ways. WEBF was proud to support their efforts this year with several grants. This year we are excited to open up our grant cycle with no pandemic restrictions! We are determined to support our educators and can’t wait to read applications. Below are details on how you can support our grant funding efforts to support our students and youth of Waltham. In addition to this sponsorship opportunity, you may make a donation to WEBF through PayPal at any time. 501(c)3 number 51-0642060.

Questions contact Kristin Perez at kristin.m.perez@gmail.com

If you prefer to send in a donation by check, please make it payable to WEBF:
P.O. Box 550210
Waltham, MA 02455